Why haven't I blogged in weeks???
So much has happened!
I have finished High School!
I bombed a speech for senior night!
I went to california!
How will I tell you everything??
The honest truth I cant...
I need to get better at writing on this thing and writing in my journal!
So being done with high school is pretty nice.
I have become addicted to Glee and Criminal Minds.
And the Packards made me love American Idol.
So yeah... Im soaking in all the TV I can before I leave... haha
not really.. I just realized that there is nothing to do in Lake Charles, Louisiana...
Which is one reason I am so glad that I am doing summer school.
3 WEEKS!!! whoop!!
At the same time im really sad too.
For instance (as I have already shared) I am really going to miss my family...
But I have to have faith that they will be all right..
(so while I was writing that sentence I drifted in thought.. I tend to do that a lot. BUT I need to find Elder Jarrell's letter and write him back.... NOTE TO SELF :) )
So back to my thoughts. haha
Ill post a blog monday about my high school life and how (sorta) sad I am to leave it.
Because this sunday I graduate :)
So last week I went to California to visit Brent :)
It was such an awesome 5 days.
I love his family :)
And I must say I am quite fond of him also. haha
I love California..
I love the weather.
I love the trees.
I love that it has a beach.
I love the Mountains..
And then the next minute the flat terrain.
Seriously California is amazing.
While I was there we went to Santa Cruz and San Francisco.
BOTH were awesome.
I loved San Francisco.
There is so much going on in one place.
We went and saw Cats.
I am in love with the song Memory.
Nothing else in the play made sense.. But that one song made it worth it.
His prom was amazing too!
It was at this Car Auto Club.
I must say that Louisiana is a lot more conservative with dancing...
You would have to go to a California prom to understand.
So Im going to post pictures now of the last few weeks :)
I must say I have a pretty good life :)
I have my ups and downs.
But I have so many people in my life that love me and would do anything for me.
I have family and friends.
I have the opportunity to go to college.
I have the gospel in my life.
If anything that is what I am most grateful for.
I am so grateful that in my childhood and youth I was taught how to live, but not only that..
But to be happy.
I love that I have the ability to have the spirit with me.
How grateful I am for that.
There are so many in this world who go throughout it and don't know what it is truly like to be happy.
How thankful I am that I know.
That I know the right way to live and that I know love.
I know that no matter what comes my way I can handle it.
Because of the love of my Savior.
I love Him so much.
I am so thankful for who He has brought into my life.
I am who I am because of that.
Alex! How come I didn't know you had a blog until now?!?! :) You are too cute for words. You have so much fun stuff going on in your life right now. Congrats on graduating, and heading to BYU SOON! We love you girls...wish we were living in Utah so we could be close to you! ~*Wendy*~